Check out what we have to offer.
Tel: (810) 335 1993 Joe Davis
(586) 808 0526 Joe Davis Jr.

Carbon Fiber
Our carbon hulls including the hood, ride plate, foam, scupper, footholds, and all mounts weighs around 60 pounds.
The price range begins at $5,800 with a two-color paint scheme.
Prices vary for more elaborate paint.
Contact us for more information!

Our fiberglass hulls including the hood, ride plate, foam, scupper, footholds, and all of the mounts weigh around 100 pounds.
The price range begins at $4,000 with a two-color paint scheme.
Prices vary for more elaborate paint. Contact us for more information!
Carbon Fiber Chin pads
We make fully carbon fiber chin pads, which also fit Rick Roy handle poles.
The price range starts at $170 includes shipping.
We will ship to anywhere in the United States.
Contact us if you are purchasing internationally.

We have white Crazy Joe's shirts in sizes ranging from medium to extra large. They are $14.39. Free shipping for customers in the United States. We accept payments in PayPal as well, Get your shirt now!

Crazy Joe's Footholds
After weeks of research, we have developed the first line of Crazy Joe's footholds, designed with the customer in mind. They will provide you with more room in your tray and more cover over you foot to keep your feet from sliding out when going upsidedown! Crazy Joe's footholds are $125 a set plus shipping and will be made of strong fiberglass! Order yours today!
Round Nose Chin Pad
We have done it! We have developed a sleek looking pad that perfectly fits a standard round nose pole. We are selling the carbon version for $200 and the strong fiberglass version for $150. Order yours today!
KP Pole Chin Pad
Like we said, we have developed a pad that perfectly fits the KP-Parts pole out of New Zealand. We heard that this was what some of our customers wanted so we manufactured one. We are selling the fiberglass pads for $130 which includes shipping if in the states and the carbon fiber pads are listed at $180 and like above, this includes shipping if in the states.